Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Contest Reminder

This is just a reminder to enter my AG GOTY 2015 contest. If you're thinking about entering search Contest!!! in my search bar. Thanks!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

You Can Now Follow Me By Email!

If you want to get an email whenever I post, you can! Just type your email in and you'll get an email every time I post. Thank you!

The River Adventure A Photostory

I did this Photostory with my Liv doll. She's not wearing clothes because I didn't want it to get wet. Enjoy!
                                                     "Wow! This is an AMAZING view."
Hayden gets a little closer admiring a rock. "This is a really cool rock!"
Then something tragic happens. "Agggh! Somebody help! My new manicure is gonna get ruined!"
                                                    "I'm drifting further away!" Hayden got incredibly scared.
Then Hayden felt braver. She knew she would get back on her feet. Literally.
 "I'm gonna hit this rock! Maybe I can grab on" Finally the current slowed down and Hayden could climb on to the rock.
After THAT big mess, Hayden took a nice nap. "OMG! I'm so tired! Thank goodness I didn't drown! I think I'll just take a quick nap... Zzz" 

Soon Hayden gets close to a rock."Hmm...If I grab on to this rock..."

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Shola "Lets It Go!" A Photostory

"Let it go! Let it go!"

"I'm one with the wind and sky!" 

"Turn away and slam the door!"

"Hmm... What was that sound? It sounds like someone's whimpering"

"Oh look! A lost dog! It's so cute!"

"Aww, you're such a good little doggie!"

Shola made a new friend! 


                                    Shola's dress is a My Disney Girl dress. I'm not sure if they still sell 
                                    them or not. I tied an AG headband around her waist since the dress was a 
                                    little baggy on her. The dog is a retired Webkinz.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Guess The Doll

I've thought of a new post. It's called Guess The Doll. Here's how it works: I'll take a cropped picture of a doll and you guess the doll! These are your choices: Lindsey, Shola, Emily, Rebecca, Isabelle, Ruthie, or Kit. Comment your guess below!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Doll Beds

When you think of ideas for a doll bed you have to be creative. I've thought of a few ideas for you!

Idea #1

Take a cardboard box that is the right size for your doll, than open the flaps. After that cut of the flaps. You should see a hole. The you could add a small pillow for a mattress, mini pillows for doll pillows, and a pillow case for a blanket if you want. You can paint your bed if you like and/or add empty paper towel rolls and another box to make a bunk bed.

Idea #2

Look for a box that would fit your doll. If you're doing an AG bed use an AG doll box. Then add all the things I mentioned above.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Easy Doll Hairbow

To make an easy hair bow you will need...
*plain clip
*hot glue

Tie your ribbon into a bow like a shoelace. Then hot glue it to your plain clip. That's it your done! Now your doll has a cute bow. Here is a tip: use all sorts of ribbon patterns to really make your hair bow pop!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Product Review Hearts for Hearts Shola

I just found out about the Hearts for Hearts dolls. They are beautiful! I never saw a doll I liked better than an AG but I think I just did. Now, for the review...

I like that her head scarf is easy to put on. Her eyes are so gorgeous! I like how her outfit fits her culture. I don't get the bracelets. They have nothing to do with her. Her earrings easily come out. I 100% recommend her.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Pic of Isabelle in Snow

I got a picture of Isabelle in the snow and it was so cute, I thought I would share.